Taechyd( Tle) is a police officer who was ordered to go into caching by his superior after his case with a medicine dealer fell piecemeal when the substantiation against the miscreant faded. Techit goes and lives at a resort run by Sritrang( Cheer), his nonage friend. They both wanted to come bobbies ever since they were youthful. Both of them made it, but Sritrung had to quit after both her parents failed in an accident and she ends up having to take care of the sludge ranch and resort. ultimately, Taechyd meets Siangwaan( Min) a ghost who does not flash back anything and knows nothing. I guess he calls her Siangwaan because of the sound of her voice, sieng waan means” a cheerful voice.” Taechyd must figure out why Siangwaan is hanging Sritrung’s resort and why he’s the only bone that can communicate with her.
On the other hand we’ve Paul( Kan), whom Sritrung and Taechyd believe to be the right hand man of the bad medicine dealer. He has a history with Sritrung. He was her elder in council and they dated for awhile before he’d to leave Sritrung. They must work out their passions for each other while trying to figure out the riddle of Siangwaan.