Teng( Pope) is a prolocutor and patron who’s single man produce television Show as One nanosecond Happy Life. He’s busy with work and spends all his time for the work. Teng has a youngish family as Toad who studied in America and got his hi- so gal pregnant accidentally. Both of them aren’t ready to be parents but they do n’t want to get revocation. thus, they came back to Thailand to ask for Teng’s help. Toad and his gal forced Teng to help them to keep this secret, they also live with Teng. still, when Toad’s gal formerly gave birth to child, they left the baby to Teng and back to America Chidao( Mew) is a nursery’s nurse, Teng always let her look after his whoreson. The relationship between Teng and Chidao is changing along with the time.