M.R.Kittirajnarin or Chai Rong aka Khunchai Rong was supposed to get into an arranged marriage with Srijittra, the aged son of Rachadamri family. He dithered because he is alreary been in love with Ying Koy aka Khunying Koy but his family refused to let him marry a separated woman.
Srijittra is an biddable son so she agrees fluently and preparing to be a royal in- law by learning manner stuffs at Pra- ek’s palace. Chai Rong fully ignores Srijittra so she feels really sad and rather she feels more comfortable with the funnyM.R.Bodintararajsongpol or Chai Lek.
One day, Srijittra’s youngish family, Salin, went to visit her family at Pra- ek’s palace and set up Chai Rong and his nut Ying Koy exchange kisses. Salin also tries to find a way to help her family from the unwanted marriage. There’ll be twisted stories that make Salin and Chai Rong come close to each other and eventually fall in love.