A wedded couple has no children. Every anticipation of joyous news ends in a complete disappointment, but Khun Waat and Luang Date have no stopgap of getting parents. They supplicate to all the gods, and also visit the healers together. One day, a Chinese croaker offers his system they should drink a herbal tinge at the same time. After entering a mug of drink, Khun Waat drinks his own, and Luang Date doesn’t have time. A veritably important person comes to him and the gentleman leaves the estate with him. The main property of the drink is sexual thrill; one of the maids of the estate learns this. She’s been trying to betray a man for a veritably long time, but he always denies her; using his illness, she gives him the stolen drink. Khun Waat isn’t suitable to calm the heat going to the swash. At the same time, the unfortunate case also goes to the swash. Realizing what’s passing, they still can not control the body. Returning from the trip, the lord learns that his woman is gone. Rushing to find her, Luang Date finds a strange picture in the room, but believes his woman ‘s explanation. Unfortunately, the curious maid substantiations the man leaving the doxy ‘ bedroom through the window. Knowing the secret, she began to blackmail Khun Waat. The lady’s faithful menial proposes to kill the racketeer. But Khun Waat kills a man with whom she was close. A hastily- cooked story makes the racketeer a killer. To fully cover up the tracks, the lady’s menial arranges a internee escape for the purpose of killing along the way. But she resists and is wounded in the swash. also Khun Waat finds out that she’s pregnant.