This drama is a romantic comedy set in the reign of Rama 5 about a pharmacist. Thong In is an experienced doctor who has treated many people. He features a grandchild named Thong Ake (Mario) who wants to become a traditional doctor. He additionally studies ancient Thai medication. One day, Thong in isolates himself after one of his patients dies and he is damn for his death. He does not need Thong Ake to become a doctor and undergo an equivalent. Still, Thong Ake is decided to prove himself to his granddaddy. Chaba (Kimberley) could be a powerful and fearless woman. She prefers to fight with swords than do home chores. once meeting Thong Ake’s granddaddy, she becomes curious about ancient medication and desires to become a doctor in addition. Thong Ake starts teaching her and though they do not get on initially, they eventually fall in love. Source: MyDramaList