A huge heart in such little eyes

Hunting has failed, but friendship has succeeded.

“I wanted a dog, my husband wanted a cat, because dogs are ‘too needy.’ So instead we got a cat who won’t leave my side and loves when I hold her little paw while she sleeps!”

Mutual hugs between moms and their kids are probably the best thing on this planet.

Sorry, boss. I can’t come in today — my dog is too cute.

This cow’s kiss is full of tenderness.

Urgent hugs with a capybara… Just let the whole world wait.

This is Hank and he is extremely handsome.

Even the hearts on this owl’s feathers show that it is made of love and love.

Is it possible to find a more smiley face?

Turns out it is possible!

Love that you can’t hide from anywhere.

A guard dog that awakens a fear …desire to hug him.

This is Remi, he’s 11, and you can’t just pass him by without petting him.

Her love makes him really happy.

“A woman in line comes up to me and asks, ‘Want me to make your day a little better?’ Then she pulls out this guy…”

“My friend got to attend an ugly sweater Christmas party for dogs and I’ve never been so jealous in my life!”

“I was gone for a month, and my big floof missed me terribly.”

“This cat is not my cat, but whenever I get home from work and he happens to hear my car lock, he runs to me from out of nowhere, and follows me to my door meowing until I sit down and allow him to take a nap on my lap.”

This is Clover. She’s a pippet (a cross between a pit bull and a whippet).

“This is my fiancé on our wedding day with my dog I had before we started dating.”

The bigger the cat is, the more love it has.

Someone has been a good boy for the whole year and knows he deserves a present.