1. We want to poke all the little juicy pods with a toothpick.
2. It makes us feel the taste.
3. It would be great to have these kinds of flowers every day.
4. We wonder who has so much patience and time.
5. How do you do this without being covered with juice from top to bottom?
6. Now you’ve seen a peeled lemon. Try eating it like an orange.
7. Are these some kind of watermepples?
8. We could look at this forever.
9. This dragon fruit looks like an ancient mystical flower.
10. How do you feel about perfectly peeled pomelo sections?
11. A rambutan — an aggressive body hides a vulnerable soul.
12. It looks like garlic, but it tastes like perfection.
13. No wonder its name is star fruit.
14. It looks magical.
15. Oh, you are not so hairy inside.
16. We are interested to see if the taste changes.
17. We envy this peeling skill.
18. We have only one question, “Why?”
19. This is a peeled lychee covered with its inner skin.
20. These peaches are so lovely.
Bonus: This peeled garlic is a sight for sore eyes.